
The Programming Language Guide

There are many programming languages in market. Some are old and some are new and more are in development stages. Let’ see some details.

There are 3 types of programming languages.

  1. Assembly language which actually generates the machine code which CPU understand.
  2. Lower languages like c, c++ & Rust – Compiler language
  3. Higher languages like Java, #c, Python etc – Interpreter language

Famous lower languages are c, c++ & then Rust.

c – is very low level language but very powerful. Used to manage hardware, to create drivers, to create compilers of other programming languages & database management systems.

c++ which is basically c but with some additional features and it’s Object oriented. C++ using in scientific computing, Robotics, Operating system etc.

Rust is also same as c++. Rocket is it’s popular framework.

Famous higher languages are:

Java – high level object oriented language. Using by big companies. Java using JVM to compile the code into machine code. Spring is it’s famous framework.

Kotlin – which is used to create native android applications using JVM

#c – it is object oriented language created by Microsoft. A very popular framework for c# is .net

Go – which is developed by Google. Fast & scalable. Has bunch of libraries. Gin is a popular framework for Go.

Python – Used for data science, Machine learning. Looks more like plan English type language, not a c type language.

PHP – Used to build things faster.

Ruby – Same as Python. Easy to read & write. English type language. Ruby on Rails is it’s famous framework.

JavaScript – which is used for front end. Now nodejs is used to develop back end as well so JS is very popular now a days. React is also a JavaScript front-end framework. React native which used to create mobile applications using JavaScript. Nextjs is it’s famous framework.

Swift – which is developed by Apple to develop native ios applications

Check this video how different frameworks woks in just few seconds!
