As Standalone php development is out of this world now. Everybody wants to use Larvael or some other framework or CMS like WordPress or something else. But to be a master of Laravel or WordPress you must have to be a master of basic PHP language.
PHP is a interpreted language. No compiler is required to create a executable binary file. That’s why PHP is called a scripting language. While C & C++ required compilers to convert code into executable binary files and with each changes in code, we need to re compile it again to generate updated binary files. But in PHP we do not required to compile.
Compilers are translated book from Eng to Hindi & Interpreter is like a person who is working as translator and can give you immediate output/translation.
So when you start learning PHP, You must have to select each topic in the below priority orders.
- Basic HTML 5
- Bootstrap 4 & 5
- All form fields and form terminologies (as forms are the first practical program)
- CSS3
- Basic JavaScript
- Learn Basic Git commands & about GitHub
- Variables, Datatypes, Loop & conditions & statements
- Array & String function
- Function
- $_GET , $_POST
- Variable sanitization
- PDO class
- Error & exception handling
- $_SESSION & File handling
- Class & OOP concept
- MVC pattern & learn to build custom MVC
- JSON, Ajax & API Basics
- Postman
Create a basic PHP form first.
Then make those forms advance with image uploading, Session integration, Ajax concept, Sweet alert, Datatable, etc.
Create a small application in PHP like a Blogging website so you will better understand password handling, sessions handling & bootstrap concepts.
Then prepare your custom MVC framework.
Build the same Blogging website which you built with core PHP using the MVC concept.
Now you can move to Laravel or CodeIgniter or WordPress custom development.