If you want to start with Laravel.. Check this as a short intro.
codespaces is a editor on cloud with full power of Visual Studio Code. https://github.com/features/codespaces
PHP artisan are the commands you need to learn.
Tableplus addon to see db in editor.
Routes are the methods which connects the controllers/URL with view.
blade is the template engine in Laravel. So all view files are name.blade.php file.
- Template inheritance
- Blade components
Yeild is the directive which own content from the child file. The child file which extends the parent layout file. So Yield is a reverse adoption.
.env file = having app related information like base url, DB details.
Laravel stater template. Use Breez or Jetstream. So we use Breez for Authentication start package.
Check with is meddleware.
Vite directive
npm run build
csrf , error directives