Struggling with Async/Await?

I have brought this simple guide to answer all your questions about async/await. Easy examples of how async/await works and its practical use cases.

How JS & PHP related with each other?

We found a PHP script is always having a JS code. A basic PHP applications must having JS interaction in script. On very basic level there are 4 types PHP…

Web Technologies

JavaScript vs PHP

This is something very unique comparison which will gives you a quick different how same concept is set in both language.


JavaScript Basics – 2

Destructuring or object & array Destructuring assignment is a feature introduced in JavaScript ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) that allows you to extract values from arrays or properties from objects and assign…


JavaScript Basics – 1

Data types in JavaScript are 2 main types. Total 10 types 1) 2 Nonprimitieve / object type – Object & Array (You can say object & array is a data…