Null safe operator for class in PHP

The null safe operator (?->) in PHP is a feature introduced in PHP 8.0. It allows you to call methods or access properties on an object only if the object…

Short-circuiting in PHP

Short-circuiting in PHP refers to the behavior of logical operators (&&, ||, and their shorthand equivalents and and or) where the evaluation stops as soon as the final outcome of…

What is type hinting in PHP?

Type hinting in PHP refers to the practice of specifying the expected data types for function arguments, return values, and class properties.

All about APIs

APIs are the intermadiator between client & server. It can pass data which can be understood by Desktop app or Mobile app or any other web app.


Custom MVC framework Logic

There are 5 pillars of any MVC framework. 1) Router2) Validator3) Database4) Template Engine5) Container

Laravel Concept

If you want to start with Laravel.. Check this as a short intro.

Abstract Class vrs. Interface

OOP Pillars

The 4 pillars of OOP are 1) Encapsulation 2) Abstraction 3) Inheritance & Polymorphism. Here are some basic explanation of each why to use and where to use.